Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lower Limb Musculoskeletal

I remember what the M2s were saying during orientation week-- about how if you get behind, you'll stay behind. Well, they were right. Having my aunt die during the cardiovascular section was not only incredibly sad, it has also proven very difficult to come back from at school.

So far, I've had to take my cardiovascular practical exam with less preparation than I would have liked. Then I took my pulmonary exam. Then, a week later, I took my cardiovascular exam, which I had to study for while sacrificing class time for the lower limb, which was started while I was taking a week to study for CV. Now I have the Lower Limb exam on Friday and am NOT prepared.

The majority of the information is going to be about blood and immunity for classroom topics. Then the practical will consist of the same things the upper limb included... so a whole bunch of vessels and muscles. Honestly, I would rather anything but musculoskeletal.

I guess what I'm really getting at is this is going to absolutely destroy me on Friday. I have faith that my studying these next few days will pick me up... but I don't know how much. I'm so behind with my personal problems that have interfered with school. It's very frustrating and time-consuming and makes me wonder if I'm going to pass at all. And, no, that's not whiny overdramatic Hayley. That's legitimate concern. And that's way scarier.

Guess I should get back to the review in which I'm sitting. I have no idea what they're talking about, but I should probably try to at least take something from it.

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