Thursday, March 8, 2012


Bridesmaids' and Bridal

Bacon Quiche

1 frozen pie crust
3 strips bacon
3/4 c shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c chopped onion
4 eggs
1 c milk
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350°.
Cook bacon and crumble into pieces.
Distribute bacon, onion, and cheese evenly into the bottom of pie crust.
In a bowl, mix eggs, milk, salt, and pepper.
Pour egg mixture over ingredients in frozen pie crust.
Bake for 45-50 minutes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lower Limb Musculoskeletal

I remember what the M2s were saying during orientation week-- about how if you get behind, you'll stay behind. Well, they were right. Having my aunt die during the cardiovascular section was not only incredibly sad, it has also proven very difficult to come back from at school.

So far, I've had to take my cardiovascular practical exam with less preparation than I would have liked. Then I took my pulmonary exam. Then, a week later, I took my cardiovascular exam, which I had to study for while sacrificing class time for the lower limb, which was started while I was taking a week to study for CV. Now I have the Lower Limb exam on Friday and am NOT prepared.

The majority of the information is going to be about blood and immunity for classroom topics. Then the practical will consist of the same things the upper limb included... so a whole bunch of vessels and muscles. Honestly, I would rather anything but musculoskeletal.

I guess what I'm really getting at is this is going to absolutely destroy me on Friday. I have faith that my studying these next few days will pick me up... but I don't know how much. I'm so behind with my personal problems that have interfered with school. It's very frustrating and time-consuming and makes me wonder if I'm going to pass at all. And, no, that's not whiny overdramatic Hayley. That's legitimate concern. And that's way scarier.

Guess I should get back to the review in which I'm sitting. I have no idea what they're talking about, but I should probably try to at least take something from it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Creative Influx

I feel like I become the most creative when I have responsibilities that should be my main focus. I have a makeup exam tomorrow over the cardiovascular system. I have been studying since early this morning. I feel like the break I have been taking for the past couple hours is deserved... but deserving something and having it be a good idea are two completely different things.

Since I have been surfing the web in a procrastinating manner, I have found many things I want to do: make a puff quilt, start an etsy store for my illustrations, quit medical school and write children's books, apply for an Arkansas Governor's School faculty position to teach mathematics, bake various things for Christmas, write a novel, design my own home (again), improve my watercolor skills, and the list really goes on and on...

Sitting here, realizing one day I'll likely become a doctor, I'm seeing more and more how lacking in creativity the medical profession is. Creativity leads to lawsuits. The most I could hope for would be opening a pediatric clinic of my own and hanging my own artwork inside it. Hooray... not.

There was a time when I wanted the whimsy with which I see the world to be available to anyone who would look for it. And I still long for it. I wish more than anything I could share my visions with other people. I still want to write, illustrate, and publish a children's book in my lifetime. I still want to design my own home. I still want to save lives. Reconciling these desires is impossible, especially in the present. Maybe this summer I'll open my own etsy store, make some money painting more murals, do something amazingly creative with my life. Saving lives sounds fulfilling, but this artist inside me is going a little crazy.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


For anyone who knows me very well at all, I love a good project. And, more often than not, I like them as distractions from the things I actually need to be doing. Getting engaged was perfect for me during med school. Planning a wedding when I should be studying is seriously right up my alley.

Fortunately for my time management, Dad wants to do most of the planning. I am in charge of making it all cohesive. Putting that art degree to good use, I suppose. As of right now I have my wedding website set up through The Knot. We have a date set for June 2. We've chosen our colors (and an aesthetic), and I have my invitations designed (on draft 3 right now). I have a guest list going through preliminary checks with the parents. I have a photographer lined out (Drew's fabulous sister!). I have a venue-- my dad's land in Hot Springs. I have an idea for the Save-the-Date postcards, just waiting to get those going with Abbie.

Right now, the only things I haven't mentioned are the flowers and the cake. The flowers are going to be all made of paper (origami!!!), so I'll be my own florist, in a way. The cake is an issue though. I need to talk to the people at Ambrosia Bakery in Hot Springs to see if they can do what I'm wanting. If not, I'm afraid I'll have to go to the Blue Cake in Little Rock. They are really fabulous, but they charge a boatload for transporting cakes out of Little Rock. Hopefully Ambrosia will pull through *fingers crossed*

Okay, so, here's our wedding website:

That gives a pretty good idea of the theme and the colors. The invitations to a better job, but when you're working with only a few templates on a wedding website, it's really hard to get something exactly the way you want it. I toyed with some larger paid websites, but I was disappointed generally. And I lost my money on those, but oh well. The Knot is the way to go.

For now, I need to get back to studying. But... so far, so grand!


I'm not sure how that's even relevant. My mind is going numb from studying pressure relationships in the lungs. Also, I realized how long it has been since I blogged and it has made me really sad.

Knowing myself, I'll end up posting things about my engagement and wedding planning on here. Should be interesting. For now, we'll stick with the funny video... and I'm going to get back to freaking out over medical school nonsense.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Yesterday I celebrated Mother's Day with Drew's mom and nana. Drew, Nana, Mom, Samantha, Abbie, Greyson, and Brad met up with me at the soccer pitch by Lake Catherine Footwear out Malvern Avenue. Samantha's team was playing against the Hot Springs team. We ended up cheering her on to victory, 1-0. Go red! I looked like an awesome soccer mom out there, with my big sunglasses, denim capri pants, Sperry's, and white top. Only Drew's mom cheered louder than I did. I was SO proud. Sam is an awesome soccer player. She can really kick the fire out of the ball, and knows what she's doing. I wasn't proud without a reason! But I thought for a little while there Drew and I were going to absolutely die from allergies. We did the smart thing and sat RIGHT NEXT TO the honeysuckle. Luckily Tracie and I usually carry a small pharmacy's worth of allergy meds in our purses.

After soccer I got the joy of taking the fam to one of my favorite spots in Hot Springs-- Rod's Pizza Cellar! They were running the buffet, so I got to eat all the godfather pizza I wanted while everyone else sampled such tasty things as the chocolate chip dessert pizza and pepperoni and jalapeno (that was Brad's choice).

Garvan Woodland Gardens was our last stop for the Mother's Day activities. It was really beautiful. Drew's mom ended up taking some really cute pictures of Drew and me (all of which I also put on my facebook).

Drew and I next to some running water at Garvan Gardens.
After saying goodbye to my (hopefully) future in-laws in the parking lot, I went back to my dad's house and took a cat nap before my Mimi and Papa Miller arrived for a steak Mother's Day dinner. I was in a terrible mood... it probably had something to do with my allergies, overexposure to my family, and being in the sun all day. Regardless, the food was delightful and my awesome gift to Caroline made her *almost* cry. It was a super sweet metal sculpture of a rooster. And my mimi almost did too. She's not taking compliments too well these days, so our sweet scribbles on her card were too much for her to handle.

I ended up going to bed fairly early, since Drew sent me a txt that night saying that he was driving down from Little Rock to go to church with me and my mommy on Mother's Day (today!). I woke up, had Missy trim my hair, got dressed, and hopped in my car to drive Drew and myself downtown to First Presbyterian in downtown Hot Springs. The service was really great. The pastor talked about seeing things through a mom's eyes and the wisdom and virtue that mothers have to bestow upon their children. The best part was right before the children's sermon when they ask all the children to come to the front of the sanctuary. For whatever reason, the lady chose the phrase, "release the children!" So, naturally, in unison Drew, Mom, and I all say, "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" I'm super happy we're all the same kind of inappropriate.

After church we went to Don Juan's... which wasn't super great because Drew and I had JUST been there on Cinco de Mayo just days earlier. Mom and I split some fajitas and I seriously had a blast. When I'm around my family I always have the best time cracking jokes and being ridiculous. With Drew there with me, it was even better. At one point Missy looked at Drew and said, "What's wrong with you?!" to which he replied, without missing a beat, "which thing?" Love him.

After lunch, Drew and I raced to my dad's house to look up showtimes for Thor at the local theater. Apparently neither of us is very good at looking that type of thing up on our respective smartphones. We were already 15 minutes late for the showing when we left the house... but when we got there we had conveniently JUST MISSED all the previews... which was super great because we sat down and got right to the feature. What wasn't super great was the fact that we were on the second row. Gross. But, on the bright side, it made it that much more epical! I'd give a full-on movie review here, but I'm just going to say it was awesome, exceeded my expectations, and revives my desire to get an Yggdrasil tattoo... someday.

Yggdrasil. Mine would, of course, be my own version!
After the movie, we were super stoked and called my mom. She met us at a gas station and got her Mother's Day gift of a terracotta turtle with a slate grey finish. It's a planter. I hope she plants ivy in it.

We came back to my dad's house and watched Despicable Me. Love that movie. Ended up crying... again. It's just so touching. When the movie was over, we helped my dad out in the yard a little with tiki torches. Then Drew left.

After Drew left I didn't do much, really. Hung out with Missy a little, ate a PBJ, that sort of thing. Dad and I talked a little about me moving to Little Rock ASAP versus later in the summer... which I love. He said to me, "I mean, you're going to be driving back and forth anyway..." Oh yeah, also, he told Missy he likes Drew. THAT was the part that made my day. A Dad-approved boyfriend I'm head-over-heels in love with and can joke around with my family. Winning!